March Madness

March Madness

Hi friends…are we even still friends? I feel like I flat out ghosted everyone for an entire month. Let’s talk about why. March was WILD. I got covid, FOR THE THIRD TIME. So needless to say, with the exhaustion, I was doing the absolute bare minimum to get through the day and social media and this blog took a major back seat. Work has also been crazy so far this year and of course it’s top priority for me. Between those two things I thought it would be best to get through the rest of March on a high and come back into April full swing.

So let’s get y’all up to speed on what happened in March. March 1st was Daniel’s twenty seventh birthday. WOO HOO! I threw him a surprise dinner and all of our friends pulled through. We partied like we were twenty one again and needless to say, I’m good on partying for the rest of the year. The second weekend I went to New Orleans for my best friend, Darby’s bachelorette trip with my mom and we had a blast. Getting sick on the trip was totally worth getting to celebrate one of my favorite people in the world. We got our aura’s read on the trip and for those of you wondering, my aura is red. Red stands for competitive, energetic, excitement, passion and will power. It was a really empowering experience and I’m so glad that I decided to do it. After recovering from covid, we ended the month with a bang, D bought a new truck, I bought a new horse trailer and we got the ball rolling on selling some of our horses before our foals drop next month.

Let’s talk about April. The Shaggy Soph and Cydnee Janae blogs are coming to y’all this month and I am also launching a super special monthly collaboration with HB at Dare To Be A Cowboy. This week I’ll get y’all caught up on the books I’ve been reading lately and we’ll be back to the regularly scheduled content from there. I’m so sorry that I was MIA during March, but I promise to make it up to everyone.

Love y’all big!

xoxo, lex

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