March Cowgal Book Club

March Cowgal Book Club

Okay friends, even though I was MIA, you know ya girl was still reading her little heart out. Books keep me sane, so naturally I read quite a few. Let’s get into it.

My Favorite Half Night Stand – Christina Lauren (Feb 22 -23)

Okay let’s just say as a guys girl myself, I really appreciated and resonated with the main character. This was my second Christina Lauren read and I finally realized that Christina Lauren is TWO people. I can’t believe that two best friends write these books, but needless to say it’s made me an even bigger fan. Okay back to the book, WITHOUT RUINING IT…I love the catfish gone wrong experience. I think it’s hilarious and it takes me back to circa 2016 when all of my friends had tinder accounts and matched with each other just for the shits and gigs because we had nothing better to do in a college town. I swear that app was more popular than Instagram back then. Anyways, this book was great and to those of you in denial that you’re in love with your best friend…books like these outnumber your excuses and prove that being in love with your best friend is the best kind of love. The real question is does it end with best friends at the altar or two people that never speak to each other again? Keep me posted.

Layla – Colleen Hoover (March 1)

Yes I read this book in less than 24 hours. It’s COLLEEN HOOVER people. Okay if you’ve read Verity and gave it five stars, Layla is the book for you. Suspense is the name of the game here, but it’s a different type of suspense than what she gave us in Verity…think Casper the friendly ghost. I love how Colleen went out of her comfort zone with this one and it definitely wasn’t what I was expecting, but in a good way. Key takeaways here are that soulmates are real and there’s nothing that Colleen Hoover can’t do.

Dating You Hating You – Christina Lauren (March 5-8)

Clearly I was on a Christina Lauren kick this month. In fact I wrote down, “Christina Lauren obsession is in full swing.” A couple things, Carter sounds hot, so if I were the main female character in this book, I would’ve immediately submitted my formal letter of resignation to secure the real bag in this situation. You’ll understand that better once you read the book. Also, can we just respect the fact that some men are worth being a stay at home dog mom for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about girl power and empowering other women and feminism and all of THAT, but sometimes, the guy is just worth it girls and you do whatever it takes. I’m glad this one had a happy ending, otherwise I would’ve torn the covers off the book and rewrote it to mend my broken heart.

The Unhoneymooners – Christina Lauren (March 8-9)

Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings STRIKE AGAIN. Okay girls, Hawaii, hot guy, you do the math. I. Loved. This. Book. I hated that a certain male character is a POS, but we the story needed some trauma and food poisoning at a wedding just wasn’t going to cut it. This is probably my favorite Christina Lauren book to date. I mean let’s face it, they write some pretty awesome stuff, but this one is a must read.

Things We Never Got Over and Things We Hide From The Light – Lucy Score (March 15-25)

Lucy freaking Score, I love you. I’m not saying shit about either one of these, so y’all are just going to have to read the almost 600 pages of both books to understand why the only thing I can say is holy shit. I will never get over how amazing these books are and I will be holding my breath until book three in all of its steamy glory comes out. And Lucy, if you’re reading this, there better be a book four about Stef and Jer or ELSE.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo – Taylor Jenkins Reid (March 25-31)

This was my first experience with Taylor Jenkins Reid and really my main question and concern here is when in the hell is this turning into a movie? This book was highly recommended by so many of my favorite book worms and it’s proof that I can trust them with my life (well reading life at least) because this was worth every page. For the record, seven husbands don’t make you a whore and love is love baby. This book was so well written. I loved the full circle ending. The details were impeccible, the writing was amazing. I loved the friendships and the honesty and how freaking calculated Evelyn Hugo is. Taylor Jenkins Reid, I AM A FAN.

So what does this month boil down to? If I had to pick one book I have to give it to Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score, but if you’re reading that you have to read Things We Hide From The Light next. Lucy is an amazing author and these are the first books that I have read in a while where I felt like I was in the pages living out the words. The details are impeccable, the writing is so easy to follow and the story lines are next to none. If reading 600 pages is going to take you all year, The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo are tied for second options for me this month. They’re very different reads, but both amazing in their own right. As always, pick your poison, I would never lead you astray and if you have any book recommendations, my dm’s are feeling empty.

xoxo, lex

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